Hello everyone,
A lot to write about this week, we kicked things off with Engineering Week, and did we have a treat! Alexander Eichhorn, the Facility Chief Engineer from the Atomic Energy Authority, dropped by to show us some mind-blowing robots and even a giant 'sun' they've developed. It was fascinating to hear how he got started by tinkering with jumble sale finds as a kid. Our budding engineers then put their thinking caps on and came up with some brilliant design ideas of their own. We can't wait to send them off next week!
Our Year 5s have been busy too, perfecting their performances for the upcoming Petersfield Music Festival. And speaking of artistic endeavours, some lucky Kestrels pupils were chosen for a fantastic art day at Bedales. Creativity is certainly flourishing at Sheet Primary!
Of course, we can't forget the wonderful World Book Day event we had yesterday. It's always a joy to see our school community come together to celebrate the magic of reading.
Today, our Herons class is off on an adventure to The Living Rainforest near Reading. A massive thank you to all the parents who've volunteered to help out. We truly couldn't do these amazing trips without your support!
Looking ahead to next week, we've got some exciting things on the horizon. On Monday at 8pm, I'll be hosting a TEAMS presentation on "Smartphone Free Childhood". It's a hot topic right now, even being debated in parliament, so please try to join us if you can. It's all about giving you the information you need to make the best decisions for your child's future.
Our Kestrels are in for a treat with a trip to London's Natural History Museum. They'll be delving into Evolution and Inheritance with a mystery hunt and a special workshop. How exciting!
It's British Science Week too, and we're celebrating in style with a science day on Friday. Our theme this year is 'Change and Adapt', and Mrs Newton, our fantastic science lead, has been working with the teachers to organise a day full of wonderful activities for our house teams.
And let's not forget the Mother's Day craft workshop happening in the library on Thursday and Friday afternoon. If you haven't booked yet and would like your child to make a special handmade gift, don't forget to sign up on classlist £5 per child.
Another exciting initiative from Mrs Hines starts next week. At Sheet we are always looking for ways to encourage our children to display excellent manners and behaviour. We have decided to start a new initiative during lunchtimes, where children who are being good role models in the hall during lunch break, will be selected to attend lunch with Mrs Hines on the 'top table', on a Monday.
Invites will be sent home on a Friday - so do check your child's bag each week. These children will have their meals served to them if they are a school lunch, have a tablecloth and flowers on the table, have the table laid for them and will be allowed to have squash to drink with their lunch instead of water.
They also get the privilege of eating in the first sitting (if they are KS2) and of course, some sparkling chit chat with Mrs Hines. We hope that all children will get to enjoy this experience at some point. We are hoping that together, the sociable act of sitting and enjoying food together can become a more pleasant experience for everyone at lunchtime.
What a packed couple of weeks! It's moments like these that remind me how lucky we are to have such an engaged and supportive school community. Here's to another fantastic fortnight of learning and fun at Sheet Primary!
As we are nearing the end of the financial year, please be aware that any outstanding payments for residential, school trips and dinner money will need to be paid for by the 31st March. Many thanks for your cooperation on this.

Let's hope the sun keeps shining over the weekend!
Julie Robinson
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