Dear Parents, Carers,
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 30 Bearpees a day for Children in Need. We only managed to raise £32 this year - perhaps dressing in PJ's is the way to go for 2024!
This week has been all about bullying: We began with an assembly on what bullying actually is, thinking about the 'on purpose', repeating nature of bullying and comparing it to what someone may do as a 'mean' or 'rude' thing. Kingfishers created anti-bullying posters, Herons created anti-bullying hands for the school and Kestrels helped me to write a definition which I will use in the anti-bullying policy next week. No-one wants to be bullied, no-one wants to be called a bully and if we all pay attention to our wonderful school values, especially the ones of kindness and respect, we shouldn't have bullying happening in our school.
James pictured below, was the only year 2 who wanted to attend end-ball at Bohunt and, what a brave little boy he was, he joined another school's team and thoroughly enjoyed himself. That's the spirit James.
Also, this week David McKenny, one of our new governors, came in to do a full Health and Safety and Safeguarding check. This is part of the monitoring that our governors do for the school on a regular basis. They really enjoy coming to school to see 'life in school'. Speaking of governors, following the application process earlier in the month, I am very pleased to tell you that Mr Jos Standerwick and Mrs Francesca Griffiths have joined the board of governors and will attend their first meeting on Monday 27th November. Congratulations to them both!

Next week we start to think about Christmas (oh yes we do). We have the Infant Nativity to plan, and Dee Tickner comes in to introduce the children to the Henry Adams Christmas Craft Competition.
What an exceptionally busy week it has been this week.
Thank you again for another great week with your amazing children. Have a fabulous weekend!