Hello everyone!
What a fantastic week we've had at Sheet Primary School! There's so much to share, and I'm excited to fill you in on all the wonderful things happening in our school community.
First off, I had the pleasure of taking seven of our energetic pupils to Bohunt for the inter-schools cross-country race. They did brilliantly, showing true Sheet spirit as they raced their hearts out. It's always a joy to see our children giving their all and representing our school so well.
On the learning front, Miss Buxey and Mrs Beenham have been busy expanding their skills. They attended a maths mastery course specifically for the early years, bringing back fresh ideas to enrich our youngest pupils' learning experiences.
We've also been busy showcasing our school to potential new families. Our Head pupils did an absolutely fabulous job presenting all the things they love about Sheet Primary. The selected children from Kestrels class also made a fantastic impression on our visitors. Well done to all involved – you've made us proud!
Now, looking ahead to next week, we've got some exciting things coming up. Can you believe it's already the final week before half term? Time flies when you're having fun!
Here's something that might surprise you – we're getting a head start on Christmas! The classes will be making their Christmas card designs next week. I know, I know, it seems early, but there's a good reason. You'll have the chance to order cards, tags, and other items featuring your child's design, raising money for the school in the process. We'll share more details about this next week, so keep an eye out.
Tuesday is a big day for us – it's our annual Harvest Festival at the church in Sheet! This year, we're mixing things up with an afternoon production. Please remember to send your child in with a gift for the church (long-life tins or packets, as per the list sent last week). At 1pm, we'll head up to the church for a festival packed with songs, poems, and musical performances by our talented pupils. As a special treat this year, Kestrels will be serving soup they've made as part of their D&T learning linked to WWII. We'd love to see you there – the children always beam with pride when they spot familiar faces in the audience! Show starts at 1.30pm – please be reminded that there are no toilet facilities at the church.
Friday is shaping up to be a spooktacular day! Our Spooky Sponsored Fun Run is happening right after school. Don't forget to gather those sponsorships – the highest sponsorship wins a tub of Mooka ice cream! Please hand in your form and money on Friday. It's also Fancy Dress Day, so we're expecting to see some fabulously spooky outfits all day. If your child isn't taking part in the run but wants to wear a Halloween-themed outfit, we're asking for a £1 donation.
What a brilliant way to round off our first half term! It's been a wonderful start to the school year, even if it has felt like a long one at times.
Before I sign off, a couple of quick reminders:
Have you signed up for the Smartphone Free Childhood initiative yet? We're thrilled to have nearly half the school committed already, making us one of the top primary schools in the County for this. If you haven't already, pop over to https://smartphonefreechildhood.co.uk/ to join in.
And don't forget to grab your tickets for our amazing fireworks night! Head to www.ticketsource.co.uk/FOSS2024 to book your spot for what promises to be a fantastic evening on Saturday 9th November, from 4-7pm.
Lost Property - currently we have over 10 pieces of uniform in lost property all without names (or with names of children who have left the school); PLEASE ensure you label each item that comes into school with an indelible pen and, if you have bought it second hand, remove the original name
Here's to a fantastic last week before the break. Enjoy your half term when it comes!
Julie Robinson

PS: A huge congratulations to The Kelley family on the birth of Elliot this week!