Dear Parents/Carers
Some most wonderful news - we are going to have an 'all weather' rubberised running track built on the field over the summer holidays. Don't get too excited it won't be an Olympic sized one, but it will be a single lane track for our running club to use and for children to walk/run around at school. Work starts mid August and we can't wait to see it (the staff are excited about it too!).
Well done Gala swimmers, we put on a brave show last Friday evening, see write up. Well done also to our Sheet Opening Olympic Ceremony dancers, what superstars! See write up.
It's been a 'full on week' at Sheet this week with our second footsteps visit, class photos and engineering trips for some year 5s and the start of our SHREK rehearsals. Tickets are available from Classlist. It's a wonderful couple of evenings so please come along and support our Year 5/6s who are super excited about their end of year play.
As you know, the library have launched a poetry competition on the theme of 'beaches' the closing date is Wednesday 3rd so get creative over the weekend and see if your child can be a prize winner!
Next week we have another swimming team taking part in the Small School Swimming Gala at Highfield - Good luck all - perhaps practise this weekend in the sunshine?!
Year 5 have a sports event on Tuesday morning at TPS. Parents to drop at 8.45am please we have a minibus to transport the children back to school for lunch.
Selected year5s will be helping out at Stepping Stones Sports Day on Wednesday 3rd, another footsteps on Thursday and reports are out on Friday 5th (except for Year 6 who will have theirs on Tuesday 9th following SATs results collection).
Again, please collect any lost uniform, there are still many clothes that are un-named. Remember to supply your child with a hat, suncream and water especially on these warm days when we want to get outside as much as possible.

Enjoy the weekend, fingers crossed for more sunshine (but not too much!)
Julie Robinson