Dear Parents/Carers
What a fabulous sports day we had on Tuesday - it was touch and go for a time whether we were going to go ahead, and a little rain was had but it didn't spoil the afternoon. The children really enjoyed the fact that it was a whole day and they could have a go at everything! There really was a lot of positive feedback from the children and coming in to see smiling faces and t-shirts full of stickers was a delight at midday! Thank you so much for coming to support your lovely children. We will keep this set up for next year. A huge thanks to Mrs Philpott and Miss Buxey who organised the event!
Sports Day Photos
This week our children in year 4 (x tables) and year 1 (phonics) have completed their statutory tests - fantastic work from them and their teachers over the year!
Thank you to Mr Standerwick and Ms Pepper for their help in doing a couple of runs to the tip to tidy up school. We have two large tractor tyres (105 cm wide and 50 cm deep) if anyone would like them; they can be collected from the car park at any point.
Also, this week we said a warm welcome to our new ROBINS recruits for September, despite a little power cut halfway through our presentation, the new families were very impressed with the school and enjoyed some coffee, cake and another look around. Thank you Ms Lockyer, Mrs Child, Mrs Galley and Mrs Beenham who stayed for the event. Thank you to Shaun Lindfield who spoke about FOSS and his experience as a parent.
We have also celebrated Fathers Day with our annual lunch for the dads yesterday and today, thank you to everyone who came - we hope you enjoyed your lunch and play!
Tonight, after school, seven Year 2 children will be taking part in the small school group cross-country run at Froxfield.
We had 54 responses to the values questionnaire - thank you, the children voted with their feet for creativity however when I put everything together courage comes out tops. We will work on an idea we have for a character and launch in September.
Step into the library in Petersfield and you will now see wonderful artwork from our school - each class has a board of drawings, please take your children and sign them up!
Pens - for many years we have had pen licences in the upper Key Stages - a keen debate in the staff meeting regarding being inclusive has made us rethink things a little. From now on we will give out pens when it is appropriate.
Next week is looking slightly less busy, thank goodness!
We have the Y5/6 swimming Gala at the Open Air Pool on Friday evening (you know who you are) and have 12 children performing at opening 'The Sheet Olympics' village event - which looks like great fun for our families! Updates posted on the Village website Saturday 22nd June.

Happy Father's Day to each of you - enjoy your day off. A HUGE thank you to FOSS for their wonderful surprise presents for all.
Julie Robinson