Dear Parents/Carers
I hope you have had a lovely INSET day today - what beautiful weather! We have been busy in school; looking at our reporting systems for safeguarding, our SEND provision, our curriculum offer and report writing time for the teachers.
As you know, we have had two candidates for a new parent governor but only one space, so you will have received an email with a ballot paper to vote with full instructions on how to vote. Your vote needs to be returned by Thursday 6th June.
We raised nearly £100 for our mufti-day yesterday! Thank you.
Again, we have had a very sporty week with Year 5/6 winning the Bohunt athletics festival and our Year 5/6 girls football team playing superbly and losing in the semi finals at our annual small schools girls football tournament. A huge well done to the girls and a big shout out to Mrs Mifsud who came in to coach the girls for a few weeks and who attended the fixture with me.
There are some logs at the bottom of the field, if any would like to collect them.
When we get back, Herons continue their swimming lessons and Kestrels have the first of their two swimming lessons ready for the Small Schools Gala. Don't forget to bring your kits with you! Everyone in Kestrels will have the opportunity to take part in the gala which is on Thursday 13th June. Please let us know if your child is unavailable.
We have 13 children signed up for the opening ceremony of the French themed Sheet Olympics on Saturday 22nd June, if you haven't decided yet whether you are coming please let us know so that we can add your children's names to the list. Practising will begin after half term.
There are so many things in the diary for the next half term so please check you have everything in your own diaries. Year 5/6 are busy preparing for their end of year production 'Shrek' and we are looking forward to 6 gloriously sunshiny weeks before another school year has been completed.
Have a wonderful week off with your lovely children. See you on Monday 3rd June.
Julie Robinson