Dear Parents/Carers,
We welcomed our two student teachers, Miss Murray and Miss Robinson into school this week. They will be working in Kestrels class for 6 weeks.
The juniors braved the chilly weather to start their swimming lessons at the open air pool this week. Well done to you all, lessons continue for the next few weeks.
With only a week to go until the fabulous FOSS Outdoor Cinema event on Saturday 11th May, excitement is building. Please buy your tickets now - don't leave it until the last minute! Friends of Sheet School event tickets from TicketSource .The afternoon showing will be of WONKA, so in honour of all things Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, FOSS are holding two special chocolate themed activities....
1. Design your own chocolate bar. Whole school homework is for every child to design their own dream chocolate bar wrapper on the paper provided in school bags. There will be five golden ticket prizes available - one for the winning entry from each class and one for the best entry overall (which will include a voucher for a treat hamper for the family at the Wonka show). Children should bring in their design on Wednesday 8th. Prizes will be awarded next Friday, 10th May.
2. A Scrumdiddlyumptious tombola. FOSS will be holding a tombola after school next Friday. Please could you bring in a chocolate bar or other sweet treat as a donation on Wednesday and send your child in with £1 for the tombola on Friday. There will be lots of prizes - big and small!
On Sunday, we have 10 children running in the Cocking 3k race. A huge thank you to the family member who has paid for the team's entry. GO SHEET! See you all there at 8.45/9am!
Next week, there is a SATs meeting for year 6 parents ahead of SATs week on 13th June, summer born Robins have the nurses in school to check height, weight and vision and we have an African choir in, to sing on Thursday.
Health Alert: We do have a case of scarlet fever - please check for signs and symptoms here just in case your child is feeling unwell, it is extremely contagious: children need to be excluded from school until 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment or when they feel better. Please let the office know if this has been diagnosed as we are duty bound to report two or more suspected cases.

Have a wonderful long weekend, I hope the sun shines for you all and you enjoy some family time together.
Julie Robinson