Dear Parents/Carers
This week our children have created and decorated some wonderful bookmarks to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week and Random Acts of Kindness Day. We shall be delivering them to the library this week. Three children had the opportunity to spend the day at Bedales in our Small Schools Orchestra Day and Year 5's went to see 'Grease' courtesy of Ditcham Park School alongside so many other things across the whole school. See our latest news feed for photos.
Next week we have Bikeability for the Year 5's on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, please can the children wear PE Kit and trainers and bring gloves and a coat as they will be outside. Infant Mothers Day lunches are all booked for next week too!
World Book Day - don't forget to bring in your paper plate entries by Wednesday morning for judging and the dressing up theme for Friday is "Goodies and Baddies". We can't wait to see your costumes!
See flyer....... we have added in our famous, sleepy bedtime stories event on Thursday (6pm) and a poetry performance at 2.45pm on Friday - please come and join us!
Recently, there has been some very dangerous parking outside school with cars parked all the way up to the level crossing which makes it very dangerous for anyone driving across the crossing. Please can you continue to walk, scoot or park and stride as much as possible, we know how busy the lane gets at peak times.

Have a lovely weekend and well deserved rest.
I'd like to take the opportunity to give our wonderful staff a big SHOUT OUT, it's only a couple of weeks in but there feels like a lot to do before our Easter break!
Julie Robinson
PS: We also were awarded our GOLD Rail Safe friendly Badge this week!