Dear Parents/Carers
Busy week at school. Miss White - trainee teacher and SCITT student joined Kingfishers for this half term this week. A big warm welcome to her joining the team. Tennis club started this week, we had Hampshire Fire Service in to talk to the Robins, Kingfishers and Kestrels about fire safety and our lovely Mrs Beenham is on the road to recovery and will be back part time next week.
Next week three chosen children will be attending Bedales all day in the annual orchestra day as part of our local schools enrichment provision. A huge thank you to Mrs Mifsud who will be accompanying them all day. The Herons visit the church on Wednesday to look at the symbol of the cross in their RE lesson, Year 5 are going to see Grease at Ditcham Park School on Thursday, Mrs Deuble is in for Mother's Day crafts on Thursday and Friday (if you haven't booked and paid for this and want to please contact the office). That's another busy week for us all!
In Robins we are looking at replenishing our provision and have some exciting new things to pick up over the weekend which the children will LOVE! Please don't forget about our list of second hand gifts that we would really like to supplement this class - attached and if you could help on Saturday 23rd March with installing and helping out with painting in the Magpie area please put your name down to help out, All hands on deck!

Our My Happy Mind this term is all about developing your character. There is a letter attached about the parent portal - which is a fabulous site where you can see what your child is learning but also for your child and yourselves to carrying on the My Happy Mind journey at home.
Just a reminder if you would like to come along to the Infant Mother's Day Lunches we still have spaces on Thursday 7th March so book your place by Wednesday 28th February, it is VERY popular and if you are late then we won't be able to fit you in.
Don't forget all uniform MUSt be named we are still finding bits un-named. PE kits no logos and navy/black and snacks should be sandwiches or fruit and vegetables, I can see packaged snacks coming back in.
Thanks so much and have a fabulous weekend.
Julie Robinson