Dear Parents/Carers
A super busy week this week to just about finish us all off for the half term break!
Children's Mental health week has gone really well, I hope that your child has come home with a clearer idea of what mental health is and some tips for how to keep mentally fit! On Tuesday night I held an on-line safety meeting, huge apologies if you tried to get in but were unable to. The powerpoint is on the website under parents/online safety. The feedback from the meeting was very positive and if you didn't attend there are some really useful links on the presentation that would be well worth looking into.
Today's 'Break the rules Day' has raised £187 - if your child has not brought in their money, it's not too late they can bring it into the office after half term.
Apologies for cancelling the pancake race but weather is looking a bit wet for later so I felt it was sensible to cancel in enough time. We don't want children slipping and falling over all for the sake of a pancake!

After half term we have a new tennis club starting, we have Hampshire Fire Service in for some education workshops for Year R 2 & 6.
Enjoy the break, charge the batteries up and we will see you on Monday 19th February 'Random Acts of Kindness Day'.
Julie Robinson