Dear Parents/Carers,
Next week is Children's Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day on Tuesday. These two events coincide nicely for thinking about keeping ourselves safe and mentally well. Making a difference: being kind online The BBC have curated a host of videos and articles incorporating ideas and advice to help make the online world a kinder place: here
During the week, we will be thinking about what it means to be 'mentally fit and well', what traits we may have if we do this well, what things we may have to do to maintain our mental wellness.
On Safer Internet Day on Tuesday we have a whole day of on-line safety activities planned for each classroom - we are off our regular curriculum and really immersing ourselves in this important topic. We are lucky enough to have Jamcoding Hampshire coming in to hold a workshop for Kestrels class. I chose this year group because as our children get older, the amount and frequency of online communication increases and so do the risks and challenges.
Jamcoding are then going to 'drop in' to our Online Safety TEAMS event at 8.30pm with a 15 minute presentation for you - so please, please come.
Next week, we welcome some of our governors into school on Tuesday where they will be completing financial, safeguarding and seeing our online safety provision.
Miss Buxey and Miss Lockyer are at ELSA training next week too!
On Friday 9th February, its FOSS BREAK THE RULES DAY our school dinners will also be offering pancakes with golden syrup to celebrate Pancake Day and we will hold our annual pancake day races - oh YAY! Everyone is welcome at 2.45pm to watch the races.

Have a lovely weekend.
Julie Robinson