Dear Parents/Carers
Our first full week!
The diary is getting busy as we plan things for the term. We have planned our Internet Safety for parents evening on Tuesday 6th February (National Internet Safety Day). Postponed from December. There will be a lot of facts, information, tips and time to ask each other or us questions.
Microsoft Teams meeting - Meeting ID: 314 393 992 658 Passcode: xLNVuN.
Please try to attend, the more awareness we get out there, the safer our children will be. I will let you know next week by email. It also happens to be Children's Mental Health Week during that week so a good time to be thinking about this.
Next week is the long awaited 'Young Voices' trip to the 02 arena. YAY! If you or your child is coming please make sure you read all of the information on the letter given out at the end of rehearsals last Monday. If in doubt please just ask. I am going to cover Mrs Child so that she can attend, Mrs Hines, Mrs Repp and Mrs Nicholls will all be there to look after everyone.

Have a great weekend everyone!
(Young Voices please PRACTISE your lines and your actions - there will be no words on the night!)
Julie Robinson