Dear Parents/Carers,
It is definitely looking a lot like Christmas here with our tree up, advent calendars ready, nativity play rehearsals in full swing and some snow yesterday much to the delight of the children! If you haven't yet brought in your child's costume, please bring it in ASAP - and please label everything.
How we are going to pack everything in next week is a mystery to me but we always manage it. Mrs Deuble is running our famous Christmas Craft nights next week, the juniors is full but there are a few spaces available for Monday for the infants - you will need to come with your child. Please email Jo directly: - the decorations made are always amazing and the time together doing it is so special.
Tickets for the Infant Nativity are going like 'hot cakes' be sure to get your order in, if you haven't already. A reminder that we hold a 'Christmas shop' - FOSS buy some little gifts and for a small fee your child can choose and wrap a surprise gift for you, contact FOSS.
Ms Buxey and Ms Lockyer continue their ELSA training (part funded by FOSS) again next week. There are no clubs next week except for running club on Monday and Friday lunchtime and Young Voices (we need to keep practising). Violin lessons and guitar lessons continue for next week.
Thank you so so much for all of your generous donations for the FOSS raffle prize event. Some really wonderful gifts that will be expertly wrapped by the FOSS elves ready for the grand draw on Friday 8th at 3.15pm - mulled wine and mince pies served - volunteers sign up on Classlist see FOSS newsletter below.
Also, our Christmas postage boxes will be outside the office on Monday if your child wants to send any Christmas cards to their friends or perhaps you are erring towards a more eco friendly family and not sending them? Either way, we have the post boxes here perhaps for the last year.

Have a wonderful weekend of Christmas preparations and keep warm.
Julie Robinson