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Art Day at Dunhurst, Bedales March 25

"On Wednesday we went on an amazing trip to Bedales school, with 4 other school groups to take part in an art morning.

When we got there, half of us went into the wood workshop and started drawing sketches of birds from pictures of the Strawberry Thief drawn by William Morris. After that we moved onto the carving part where we took a piece of wood with our design traced on and carved it out with lots of brilliant tools. It was quite tricky but worth it with the end results. The wooded birds were sanded and able to rock back and forth. I think that the best part of this was being able to sketch out beautiful pictures of birds with our imagination and the pictures from the Strawberry Thief.

Then we had a break in the playground with some snacks (that were delicious).

For our second activity, we were using felt and water colour pencils to create a design that also included patterns of nature and flowers made by William Morris. We would iron pieces of felt then lay them down on our pieces of card to create an image/landscape with all the different patterns (there was a large variety of colours and patterns). In my opinion the best part of this activity was layering different patterned felt on top of each other to produce a night sky in the background.

Once we had finished both activities and our designs were hung up to dry, we made our way to the lunch room and lined up to get our food, we were amazed at how amazing it all looked. There was sausage and mash with vegetables like carrots. We also had cups of water and a selection of fruit for pudding, it was delicious.

All of us had a great time and would love to go again."   Millie.


"On the 5th March I went to Bedales art day where we learned about the piece of art strawberry thief. The first activity we did was woodwork where we made Scandinavian rocking birds and learnt about William Morris. After that we made fabric collages. It was a very fun experience and I am happy I went."  Bertie.


For more photos, please click here.